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Membership to this society is open to anyone who wishes to become a member. Our membership has grown from less than ten to over two hundred from all over the United States.

Membership is based on a calendar year from January 1st to December 31st and includes four issues of the Boone Genealogical Quarterly. Persons joining in during the year will receive the issues published earlier in the year.

Each member may take a $5.00 discount on one copy of each book/books published during their membership year. This offer does not include our Boone County History Book.

Individual Membership $12.00

Family Membership $15.00

Student Membership $5.00

To join the Society please use this order form to send your payment along with your name and mailing address (please include your nine digit zip code). You may also include your phone number and email address if you wish it published in the newsletter in the member list.

The address for the Society is: BCGS, P O Box 306, Madison, WV 25130

 Index | Membership | Newsletter | Kith and Kin | Other Books | 1847 Tax Roll | Photos | Other links